Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m hosting this year and I’m super excited about it. It’s a lot of work, but I like to cook and make yummy things. I’m going to use some of the same recipes I used a few years ago that everyone liked and add a couple of new ones that sound good. I’ve got a couple folks helping - my sister-in-law is doing a vegetable dish and my daughter-in-law is doing a stuffing. Van will do the turkey on the grill, leaving me the oven to do the rest.

Tonight I’ll put together the shopping list and tomorrow I’ll hit the stores with my mom in tow to pick everything up. I’ll spend Wednesday prepping as much as I can and cooking what can be made ahead. I’ll also get the table set and decorated. Honestly, that’s my favorite part, setting a pretty table. I found some pictures of mums in arrangements that has me inspired.

I spent the day with a friend picking up a new horse on Sunday. We drove from here to Napa to get him. It was a gorgeous day - from the mists rising over Toulouse Vineyards as I headed to Boonville to the fall colors all around. It was a 2.5 hour drive with the trailer, so we got to catch up and exchange news.

One topic was, of course, real estate. Lately, when I’m asked what the market is like I just say “weird.” It seems like there’s no rhyme or reason to it, though certain things seem clear. No one wants to be far out and homes in or near town move fairly quickly. But one example of weird - I have a property that has been sitting and I’ve not had many calls or showings for a while. I called the seller and we discussed this and some ideas on generating interest. No sooner had I hung up that I had three showings scheduled. All we needed to do, apparently, was talk about it!

I hope you enjoy the day on Thursday whatever you end up doing. Hopefully we will have received some rain and the ground will be damp, the grass glistening and the air smelling like Fall.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anne Fashauer