Using my hands again almost normally

My hands are mostly healed, at least enough that all the restrictions have been lifted. This means that I can ride my bike again! I overdid it the first week, going out for a 17 mile ride with friends on the coast, followed by a 12 mile ride with my husband on our anniversary the following day. Oof, my body said.

Having my hands mostly back should also mean I am writing more than I have been. I blame that on being busy. I have been carrying about 7 escrows at a time, which is a lot for me; I often do not have more than 8-10 total transactions per year. I’ve already done six this year, so I will be well over my usual amount of sales. In real estate, there are sales and there are “sides.” A sale is the sale of a property; a side is either having the buyer as client or the seller as client. The majority of my sales are single sided, but I’ve had some with both sides. In my counting of transactions above, I am talking about sales and not sides.

Being so busy should answer any questions about how the market is doing. It’s still quite hot with many properties seeing multiple offers in a short amount of time. The very upper end is still a bit slower, but it is also moving.

The weather is also hot, everything is very dry and the deer are eating plants in my yard that they’ve never touched before. I saw a motion-sensor sprinkler that is supposed to help keep them out - I wonder if they work? It was tempting but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to spend $60 to find out. It seems like all the wildlife is closer to home this year - we’ve had coyote sightings in midday, a skunk came to the chicken coop and found a way to kill our baby chicks and we know the bears and mountain lions are around too.

I hope everyone stays cool and healthy!

Anne Fashauer