
It’s the third gorgeous day in a row here in Anderson Valley. It’s hard to believe it’s not raining. It seems we are to have some nice weather for a while, perhaps not as warm as we had these last couple of days, but not a lot of rain in the forecast, which is a nice break.

I spent Saturday filling in some potholes in the driveway. My aunt and uncle had the driveway chip-sealed many, many years ago and I spend some portion of each spring filling in potholes. This year, however, is worse than I’ve seen in a while. With the essentially non-stop rain, the puddles never dried out and kept getting bigger. I bought six bags of repair material and when through them quickly. I suspect it will take many more times that to smooth things out.

Yesterday I got outside on my bicycle and had a lovely ride in the sunshine. There was still a lot of water on the roads and trails, but mostly it was firmly packed and good riding. It felt great to be breathing the clean air of the outdoors.

A local creek seen on my bike ride.

I’ve been making the last push to clean up the space in our house that was my mom’s suite. This has not been an easy task, as anyone who has to do similar knows. I gave myself a year to get this done and I’m within that time frame. With this last push I’ve had to simply box some things up for future going through - the painters are at the house today and I just had to get the space clear enough for them to proceed. My nephew and my step-son pulled out the old carpet on Saturday for me; once the painting is accomplished I will work on the new flooring - cork, I hope. It’s such a bittersweet task, this clearing out. I’m excited to have the new space for other uses - my indoor bike, a place for yoga or Pilates, a new guest room - but I’d give that up in a moment to have my mom back in there.

I hope you are taking advantage of the sunshine, whether that is a ride or a walk outside, some gardening or just sitting for a bit with the sun touching you. I feel like Spring is actually here and I hope you do too.

Anne Fashauer