Friends from Pennsylvania
Biking along the haul road in Mendocino.
Last Thursday I drove down to San Francisco to pick up our friends who are visiting from Philadelphia. These are the same friends who used to live in Brittany, near St. Malo, and whom we visited on our honeymoon in France.
I love when we have friends from out of town because that allows us to explore the area with fresh eyes. We have been to the coast twice in as many days and we lucked out with the weather. Gorgeous, sunny weather, no fog, just perfect. We have visited the Botanical Gardens and we rented bicycles in Mendocino and explored Big River. Today we are heading to Hendy Woods.
We have other options for the last day and are waiting for our friends to decide what they want to do. Options include the Stornetta Lands, Bowling Ball beach, a day at home or maybe even something else. I’ll be back at real estate fully in a couple of days but in the meantime I’m loving just enjoying the beautiful place we get to live in.