A little of this and that


It’s Monday morning and I’m sitting at my desk pondering what to write about. Some weeks this is easy and others not so much. I’m thinking over the past two weeks and all that has happened and not happened. 2020 has been that kind of year - lots of stuff happening and yet, some stuff just not happening.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving. We did eat out in the vineyard - we pulled one of the picnic tables out into the sun and while we had to keep the dishes covered with foil to retain some heat, it was fairly festive. My brother’s family came by and we all got to visit until it got too cold for us and time for them to go inside to their dinner. I spent the morning cooking and we ate at around 2:00 PM. It was really nice to be all done by 4:00 PM and to be able to relax inside by the fire and take a nap.

My work in real estate remains busy, though last week was a bit quieter as some of my transactions were at a point where we were just waiting for things to happen and there weren’t any appointments to attend or documents to complete. I had a few showings and wrote a few offers, took some calls and got some things rolling.

In the outside world, Covid remains at the top of the news and probably in most folks minds. Most of us by now know someone who has been infected or is currently suffering. My friends in different parts of the country are facing different aspects - some had seen some normalcy return after the crazy spring and are now back to restrictions. At an attempt in making the season a bit festive, I picked up a bunch of holiday themed masks and gave them out to family and friends. If you have to wear a mask, at least have some fun with it.

Thanks to some generous neighbors, I took a wonderful ride on my bike yesterday. A tiny bit of road riding followed by a lovely trek through their property and along some ranch roads, followed by a visit to the falls on Greenwood Creek and then home. I even ran into a few others out using the roads, which is not something I usually do. Another sign of Covid - people are getting out and about more.

For those of us celebrating Christmas, the time to do our shopping is getting shorter. News reports warn that we may overwhelm the shipping system with all the online orders this year. It is definitely a weird year to say the least.

On the weather front, after that one storm, it’s been fairly dry. Beautiful for sure - cold and crisp, so a little damp still, but nothing near what any of us would like to have.

Enjoy the sunshine, get outside and stay well.

Anne Fashauer