Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving bouquet
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! We are almost ready here - I need to pick up the turkey this afternoon and then another pick up tomorrow and then we will be set. It’s a small gathering this year, just my husband, mother, stepson and myself. I imagine most folks will also be doing smaller gatherings as well. We may end up out in the vineyard at our picnic tables if the weather is nice enough - then maybe my brother’s family will also join us and we can visit while maintaining a safe distance.
The weather has been absolutely amazing - from the downpour on Tuesday morning last week to the sunshine today as I write. It’s nippy, but it feels right. I spent most of Sunday on the coast showing properties so when I got home I took the dogs for a nice long hike in the woods; it smelled so good, damp, earthy. We all felt revived after that.
I often struggle this time of year to find enough time to ride my bike. Thanks to some friends, I now have options. The first is an online class from TaG Cycling. I was given a “trainer” set up from one friend (thank you Jeff!) and the impetus to go to TaG from another (thank you Chrissy!). One Tuesday morning at 7:00 AM I was on my bike in my office pedaling away with folks from all over the world. Outside it poured and poured and I loved it. The second is getting some bike lights; thank you Julia for the inspiration and thank you Boonville Bikeworks for the actual lights! I have two “night rides” under my belt; not really night rides, as we started at 4:30 PM but it was dark before we headed homeward. Now I don’t have any excuse not to get on one of my bikes.
I wish you all a wonderful, peaceful and gratifying Thanksgiving.