Week Six of Covid-19 Life

I last sat down to write on the 30th of March. Not too much has changed in my immediate world since that time. The days pass and I often don’t know the date, though I have kept track of the day of the week (so far). Things are starting to change in the outside world and it will be interesting to see how that may change my day to day reality.

We have done a lot of work on the property. The vineyard fence line was becoming overgrown with brush and now we have cleared about 85% of that. We have done burn pile after burn pile. We have done a lot of mowing as well. My front yard has never looked so good. The vegetable starts are many and thriving and will soon be moved from the greenhouse to the actual garden beds, which have been prepped.

Our daily routine of meals is different now that before. We have a breakfast of a healthy smoothie, then I make large salads for our lunch. Dinner is often a vegetarian minestrone but sometimes it’s a steak out of the freezer with veggies on the side. We eat later now, as well; breakfast is often at 9 or 10am, lunch at 2 and dinner at 7:30 or 8. The three of us, my mom, my husband and I, often sit down for two or more meals a day together, something we didn’t always do.

I spend a lot less time on my computer, for better or for worse. I find when I do sit down I have several hours of work to do because I have put it off for a week. I do make time to do the New York Times crossword every day and I have completed two jigsaw puzzles and am working on a third.

Real Estate is now considered “essential” but it comes with strings attached. We can do showings, but only for land or for vacant houses; we all have to wear masks and I must disinfect anything I or the clients touch. It feels weird, but everyone seems to understand. The number of calls and emails I get is way down, understandably. But the actual online viewing of listings is way, way up.

As always, I hope you and yours are doing well. I look forward to the day when we can all see each other again.

Anne Fashauer