The Fourth is coming!

Over the past two weeks I have probably put as many miles on my car as in the last two months. With real estate picking up and two escrows in process I have been heading out daily for showings or inspections. I know I am a home-body and if I didn’t have to leave I wouldn’t. So when I find a day in between a run of trips where I can stay home I relish it. With the Fourth of July coming this week, I’m looking forward to a quiet day enjoying time with my family.

I feel a little like I’m back to the old "normal” with this latest schedule. On days I’m home I’m catching up - deep watering the shade garden and the front yard, running a load of laundry or two, answering phone calls and emails and squeezing in a couple of longer bike rides. It’s hard to take care of the phone calls and emails when I’m in an area without any cell coverage and nearly impossible while driving as the cell coverage comes and goes and I’ll be on the phone one minute and cut off the next.

I’m not complaining, mind you, just explaining what the days are like. It’s nice that we have so much daylight right now. I can get a lot done early in the morning and late in the evening. And with the heat we had a week ago, the early mornings and late evenings were the only comfortable time to be outside. Looking at the agricultural forecast we appear to be in for some nice weather, warm but not hot. Should make for a nice Fourth of July weekend.

What do you have planned for the 4th? We will have our granddaughter visiting again and that will be wonderful. We’ll probably gather outside for a BBQ with our little social group we have here on the ranch. My brother and his family are going camping on some family land nearby. It will probably be quietly nice, which is perfect. I hope you all enjoy the holiday and stay healthy and well!

Anne Fashauer