Masks are just another accessory these days.

Here we are, post Independence Day, and things are just not feeling like normal, are they? We had our granddaughter and her parents here over the holiday weekend and it really felt different. There were no big gatherings at the Fairgrounds or in Mendocino. There were more people out and about and most were wearing masks when needed.

We mostly spent time here at home. It was nice, with slow mornings and most everything revolving around her schedule - when she eats, naps or needs some time exploring. We took two car trips - one to the beach in Elk which was not crowded and the other to our family property at the top of Signal Ridge. We had a small BBQ on the 4th with our tenants and that was about it.

The Covid numbers keep rising; our “opening up” hasn’t gone smoothly. I guess too many people thought “opening up” meant act as if the virus is gone; oops, not so fast. I think wearing masks and standing six feet apart will feel normal long before “normal” ever returns. And I doubt this will be the last such virus we see, given our world now.

I don’t know about you, but I am really enjoying this cool but not cold weather. Sunny and gorgeous, all the windows open, working outside and it’s just fine. I continue to get contacted by folks wanting to move out of their current urban environment and move out here; if only there was more inventory to sell. Keep that in mind if you have been considering putting your property on the market.

Anne Fashauer