The ATM update
Front view of the new ATM being installed.
The new Redwood Credit Union ATM should be up and running soon, possibly this week. As the pictures show, it’s actually starting to look like an ATM and not just some torn up and replaced concrete in the Live Oak parking lot.
For a project that took years to get off the ground, the actual installation has gone fairly quickly, which as anyone knows, is a small miracle in these parts. I spend very little time in the office right now, due to the whole Covid-19 situation, but I hope it has been fairly low impact on my tenants; in the long run the commercial tenants at least will benefit.
Real estate continues to be hot. Prices are not rising super fast but properties are not sitting on the market as long, at least in the mid-to-lower ranges. I joke that my whole year’s worth of work is happening in two months.
The weather has also been hot and while the temperature on the gauge isn’t too bad, this cloud/smoke cover seems to be like a blanket holding the heat in. We had sprinkles at home this morning but thankfully no thunder or lightening. California needs a break. I live in fear of another fire season that lasts into December. How will all of us feel after months of smoke, should that happen?
I have been riding my bike a few times a week, mostly early in the morning. I have gotten out to the coast a couple of times to enjoy the trails out there. This smoke may put a damper on that for this week, though hopefully the wind changes and blows it away. I hope you stay cool, get a chance to go to the coast and do something fun.
Side view of the new ATM being installed.