Smoke and fires, again

We woke to smoke yesterday and again today. I assumed it was from the August Complex still burning, but then I learned of the fires in Napa and Sonoma and now I’m not sure. Ugh. Again. My brother’s mother-in-law has been evacuated; on the plus side, we will get to visit with her, but it is so scary for her and her friends to have to leave their homes. I also received a text photo from some Calistoga friends that shows the flames just down the road from their home.

No matter how one feels about the current Supreme Court situation, I have been reading a lot about how the current nominee is inspiring to a lot of women. I really, really liked RBG and all she stood for and the example she set for women. And I can’t say I won’t like the current nominee for some of the same reasons. I like that she shows that a woman can be a mom and have a very successful career. It’s empowering to a lot of women who are told that they can’t “have it all", that they have to put aside their career ambitions to take care of the family or the opposite, that they can’t be successful in their careers because “who’s going to take care of the kids?” I read a book called I Know How She Does It by Laura Vanderkam that was about this subject - women who have powerful careers and children too and how they manage it.

We are supposed to drive up to Cottonwood tomorrow for a couple of days to visit my in-laws. We haven’t seen them since last year at Christmas and they are not young nor in the best of health. It will be our first Covid-19 trip - we will stay in a hotel and eat meals outside with his folks and other family members. I don’t know how the new Redding area fires will affect the visit, but as of this morning, their air quality was better than ours. It is bound to be an interesting trip for many reasons and I’ll report back next week.

I continue to be busy with real estate; it’s mainly in the middle price range though. I am not seeing the higher end listings gaining as much attention; pretty soon that is all we’ll have left, so it will be interesting to see what happens then.

As always, please stay healthy, safe and well.

Anne Fashauer