Spring sunshine and rain

Azaleas seen on my bike ride.

Azaleas seen on my bike ride.

Just a few days ago it was 93 degrees up here! Today the wind is blowing, there’s been a few showers and it’s relatively chilly; I’m actually thinking of building a small fire just to counter the gloomy skies. Such is spring, one day gorgeous, the next not so much. We had some lovely days where I could open all the windows all day long and have fresh breezes blowing through - it’s one of my favorite times of the year. All winter we keep it pretty buttoned up; then the heat of summer comes and we open up at night but everything gets closed and stuffy during the day.

My week started off fairly busy, with some real estate showings, my bi-monthly shopping trip to Ukiah and some phone appointments; it fizzled out as the week ended. I had two showings an both were cancelled. The upside is that I was able to put more time into the yard and the property. I picked up those hummingbird-friendly plants and got them either into pots or into the ground. I couldn’t resist a couple of grasses that are supposed to do well under trees (just two for now, we’ll see how they do), and some delphiniums for a different color.

Mother’s Day was quiet; we did have pancakes and I brought mom coffee in bed. Later my brother took her for a ride in his ATV (safely masked up) around the property. We ended the day with a yummy venison stew and my brother’s lemon meringue pie. (Who knew my timber-faller brother would turn out to be such a great baker?!?)

With the burning behind us, I also got out on my bike again. It wasn’t as bad as I feared; I’ve not been exactly a couch potato. But I have a ways to go before I’m back to my usual riding self. I was going to go this morning but the rain came in much faster than I was expecting.

We keep hearing about opening up. I’m not sure what that is going to look like. We have had very few cases here in this County; but that will change the minute folks from out of the area start to come again. I’ve noticed crowds at the Navarro river near Hendy and there’s as many cars parked in the road as on any hot summer day. No one is wearing a mask and large groups are together as well. It seems inevitable that the virus will strike and spread if this continues. I also noticed at least one car with out of state plates!

Stay safe and healthy and hope to see you around soon!

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